Etiqueta 'Mallorca roads'
Archive image of a rural road located in the municipality of Algaida.

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Mallorca municipalities asking for more investment in rural roads

Neglecting maintenance often results in overgrown vegetation, which individuals may exploit to block public access points.

MDB Digital19/02/2024 10:42

MA-13 road into Alcudia, Mallorca

MA-13 road into Alcudia, Mallorca

The MA-13, which is single lane from Sa Pobla to Alcudia.

Archive 12/01/2024

Location of a fatal accident in Palma, Mallorca

Location of a fatal accident in Palma, Mallorca

The MA-30 in Palma, which has a reputation as a black spot.

Teresa Ayuga 04/01/2024

Police alcohol control in Mallorca

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Alcudia has the most drink driving offences in Mallorca

Over the Christmas period, police controls to check on driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs are stepped up.

Andrew Ede16/12/2023 08:44

Traffic on the Via Cintura in Palma, Mallorca

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Palma Via Cintura speed limit to change in November

Meanwhile, continuous lines are being painted on certain sections to prevent sudden lane changes at exits.

Andrew Ede25/10/2023 08:56

Children in the back of a pickup truck.

Children in the back of a pickup truck.

On the road between Can Picafort and Santa Margalida.


A runner on the Via Cintura highway in Palma, Mallorca

A runner on the Via Cintura highway in Palma, Mallorca

Dangerous, to say the least.
