Etiqueta 'Mallorca weather'
Map for cloud in the Mediterranean, 6 September 2023

Map for cloud in the Mediterranean, 6 September 2023

More or less cloudless at present.

@AEMET_Baleares 06/09/2023

Map for cloud in the Mediterranean, 6 September 2023

Latest news

Thursday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Thursday, the seventh of September.

Andrew Ede06/09/2023 19:12

Formentor beach, Pollensa, Mallorca

Latest news

Wednesday's weather in Mallorca

The forecast for Mallorca for Wednesday, the sixth of September.

Andrew Ede05/09/2023 19:02

Saharan dust over Mallorca on 4 September, 2023

Saharan dust over Mallorca on 4 September, 2023

Saharan dust over Mallorca on Monday.

@AEMET_Baleares 04/09/2023

Tourists seek shade.


Hotter summers

In July, the top temperature on the island reached 43.9 degrees Centigrade marginally cooler than the 44.5 degrees registered in 2022.

Jason Moore01/09/2023 08:00