Thunderstorms forecast for Mallorca on Friday
Yellow alerts for rain and storms on Friday and Saturday.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
Thursday looks to be mostly fine, but there are yellow alerts for rain and storms on Friday. See the webcams - Balearic Webcams (

Stormy weather in Mallorca
Thunderstorms possible for later in the week.
Storms possible in Mallorca at the end of the week
A front moving in from the west could become more active once it hits the Mediterranean.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Fairly cloudy for much of the island. See for yourselves on the webcams - Balearic Webcams (

Palma Mallorca beach
Back to the beaches.
Localised storms in Mallorca on Thursday
Thursday's weather wasn't nearly as bad as had been forecast.
Mallorca finally cools down, but not for long!
Most of Mallorca escaped the eye of the storm which hit the north east of the island and Minorca.
Mallorca weather alert downgraded to yellow
The bad weather hasn't been as bad as had been forecast.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
A chance of showers and thunderstorms on Wednesday, with the greater risk of storms and torrential rain being on Thursday.

Rain in Cala Millor, Mallorca
Rain and storm in Cala Millor on Monday.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Decent forecast for Tuesday, no alerts; there was some rain on Monday.