Monday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alert for high temperatures for most of the island.
Friday's weather in Mallorca
Quite a breezy day, there is a yellow alert for coastal conditions for parts of the island.
Tuesday's weather in Mallorca
Any stormy weather in the morning should clear pretty quickly.
Scorching start to July in the Balearics
Friday may cool down slightly, but then it's going to be a blistering weekend.
Monday's weather in Mallorca
Forecast for some cloud on Monday, more in the north than the south.
Friday's weather in Mallorca
Very pleasant, with good breezes but not as strong as those on Thursday.
Thursday's weather in Mallorca
Any rain early on Thursday will give way to a mostly sunny day.
Wednesday's weather in Mallorca
Probability for rain on Wednesday varies across the island.
Summer "advancing" five days every decade in Mallorca
The Balearics have registered the first ever heat wave in astronomical spring.
Monday's weather in Mallorca
Yellow alerts for high temperatures still active for Monday and Tuesday; change is forecast on Wednesday.
Sunday's weather in Mallorca
Some stiff southerly breezes on Sunday; a yellow alert for high temperatures still applies.
The heat is on. Europe frets over climate change
Firefighters were battling wildfires in several parts of Spain, with Catalonia in eastern Spain and Zamora near the western border with Portugal the worst hit.
Saturday's weather in Mallorca
Friday's high in Mallorca was 39.6C; yellow alert still active for Saturday.