Etiqueta 'Marc Fosh Majorcan chef'

Sweet potato “Buñuelos” with an apricot and vanilla sauce
Sweet potato “Buñuelos” with an apricot and vanilla sauce.
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18/12/2020 10:22
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Food & Fosh
Chinese style chilli-spare ribs
Marc Fosh offers us his third tasty recipe made with chilies.
Food & Fosh
Coconut, chili & lime soup with spiced chicken dumplings
The colder days are upon us and Marc Fosh gives us a tasty and spicy dish to try.
Missing Balearic food and the markets? Watch BBC2 tonight
Michelin star chef Marc Fosh takes his guests around Oliver Market.
Frank Talking
The 'Hairy Bikers' homesick blues
In my ruder moments when writing in the Bulletin, I have occasionally mocked the concept of the ‘permanent tourist’ - but, if that’s what browns your breasts - so be it!
Frank Leavers17/04/2020 09:18