Etiqueta 'Palma Majorca'
The Arran protest in Palma.


Arran protest leader to be fined 1,200 euros

The fine is for unauthorised protest and use of pyrotechnic items. Meanwhile, the state attorney-general is getting involved in the anti-tourism protests.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter10/08/2017 00:00

A sightseeing bus in Barcelona was the target of an anti-tourism attack last month.


Barceló criticised for having stirred up "tourismphobia"

The travel agencies federation believes that statements by certain politicians have been a cause of the recent spate of anti-tourism protests.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/08/2017 00:00

The Temple, for which Palma wants more than two million euros of tourist tax money.

Tourist tax

Palma seeking over three million euros of tourist tax revenue

Palma town hall believes it is common sense for the city to receive a percentage of tourist tax revenue.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/08/2017 00:00

Queen Letizia greeting members of the public before yesterday evening's reception.

Royal Family

More guests than ever for Palma royal reception

Some 500 people attended yesterday evening's royal reception at the Almudaina Palace.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/08/2017 00:00

Tourism minister Biel Barceló has finally spoken about the Arran anti-tourist protest.


Town hall and government break the silence over Arran attack

The mayor of Palma, Antoni Noguera, described the incident with Arran as "reprehensible". Ex-mayor, José Hila, and tourism minister, Biel Barceló, have also been speaking.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/08/2017 00:00

The Yersin is engaged in the Explorations of Monaco project.


A "royal yacht" with a difference

A royal yacht on a very special mission sailed into the bay of Palma yesterday.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/08/2017 00:00

The incident with Arran in Palma last month.


Police know who the Arran anti-tourist radicals are

Police say that members of Arran in Majorca were acting under orders from Catalonia.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/08/2017 00:00

Arran's protest, which occurred some days ago, but which only came to light on Tuesday.


Arran planning further anti-tourist "attacks" in Majorca

Arran says that it plans other protests aimed at "paralysing the mass tourism which is destroying Majorca".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter02/08/2017 00:00

Palma mayor, Antoni Noguera, wants improved financing for the city.


Mayor demanding fairer financing for Palma

"If the Balearics is the region that suffers most from plunder by the Spanish government, then Palma is the most ravaged capital city."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/07/2017 00:00

Joan Forteza of the residents' federation, which proposed the holiday rentals' ban.

Holiday rentals

Palma approves ban on holiday rentals in apartment buildings

The federation of residents associations in Palma presented a "popular" initiative for a ban, and it was passed at yesterday's council session.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/07/2017 00:00

Podemos explaining their stance on the holiday rentals' legislation yesterday.

Holiday rentals

Government prepares rentals' decree, while Noguera pleads for sanity

Podemos are still insisting on what in effect would be a total ban on holiday rentals in apartment buildings in Palma and Ibiza.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/07/2017 00:00

What the Paseo Marítimo will look like.


Palma Paseo Marítimo redevelopment will cost eight million euros

Former mayor José Hila disagrees with the ports authority on the financing of the project: the town hall doesn't have the money.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/07/2017 00:00

Traffic reduction is one objective for ensuring a greener Palma.


Noguera looking to mitigate effects of climate change in Palma

The mayor has stated his commitment to ensure a "green and sustainable future" for Palma with fewer cars.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/07/2017 00:00

The British press are on the passport control delays case.


Police ask for UK flights to be staggered in Palma

Spain's police union on delays at passport control: "The new rules and regulations are slowing the process down."

Humphrey Carter14/07/2017 00:00

The number of vehicles in Palma continues to increase.


Record numbers of vehicles bringing the via cintura to a standstill

A daily average of 179,731 vehicles using the stretch of the "via cintura" between the Inca motorway intersection and the Soller exit.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/07/2017 00:00

Biel Barceló's holiday rentals' legislation will be approved next week, although Podemos are raising questions.


Government and Palma town hall agree on tourist places' limits

Among provisions in the holiday rentals' legislation is a fine of up to 400,000 euros for websites which advertise unlicensed accommodation.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/07/2017 00:00

Palma is to have a twelve-month moratorium on new hotel licences, but boutique hotels could be exempt.


Palma suspends new hotel licences for a year

There are currently requests for licences that would more than double existing places in accommodation.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/07/2017 00:00

Aurora Jhardi, with the director for public function, Tomas Llado.


Palma's population continues to grow

The number of people registered as residents of Palma increased by 5,865 at the start of the year compared to 1 January, 2016.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/06/2017 00:00

Mohamed Harrak was arrested in April last year.


Prosecution wanting ten years for alleged jihadist arrested in Palma

The prosecution says that there is sufficient proof of his having used social networks to attract people to fight for so-called Islamic State.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter15/06/2017 00:00