Etiqueta 'Palma Mallorca'
Arriving at court in Palma, Mallorca on a murder charge

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Arrests for the murder of a German tourist in Palma

What had initially looked like no more than a road accident turned into a murder investigation.

Andrew Ede26/10/2023 21:00

Fine Books in Palma, Mallorca

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English Fine Books in Palma set to reopen

Rodney Browne retired last year; new owners have created order for the some 100,000 books.

Andrew Ede26/10/2023 09:43

Traffic on the Via Cintura in Palma, Mallorca

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Palma Via Cintura speed limit to change in November

Meanwhile, continuous lines are being painted on certain sections to prevent sudden lane changes at exits.

Andrew Ede25/10/2023 08:56

Portable urinals in Palma, Mallorca

Portable urinals in Palma, Mallorca

The urinals are within a sculpture complex.

Arca 14/10/2023

Portable urinals in Palma, Mallorca

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Remove the urinals in Palma, heritage association demands

The urinals appeared because of the Palma Marathon Mallorca; they were removed following the complaint.

Andrew Ede14/10/2023 15:06

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

Tourists in Palma, Mallorca

In overall terms, Spain is the third largest tourism market in the Balearics.

Archive 12/10/2023

Terraces in the La Lonja area of Palma, Mallorca

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Palma's La Lonja terraces - residents versus restaurants

As well as the competing interests of residents and restaurants there are the political decisions.

Andrew Ede11/10/2023 07:58