100,000 books, mostly in English, for sale in Palma
Fine Books in Palma is closing down.
Fine for engraving name on Bellver Castle wall
Caught in the act on security cameras.
Road rage incident results in two arrests, one a pregnant woman
A driver with a baseball bat needed hospital treatment after he was hit with the bat.
Palma police act against nightlife infractions, but residents complain of lack of police
In mid-August, it is claimed that only one unit of the green patrol was available for the whole of the city.
Arrested for nine robberies in Mallorca
The 23-year-old has a long criminal record.
Violent squatter gangs taking over former bank branches in Palma
The gangs charge rent to young people.
Further incidents at squat by Palma police HQ
Residents have been suffering a "nightmare" for months.

Dealing with a fight in Palma, Mallorca by the police headquarters
The incident occurred on Wednesday night.
Fight over drugs right by the Palma police HQ
One-time bank offices have become a squat.
Demands for traffic control after bus crashes in Palma
There have been previous accidents, some serious, on this road.
Bus crashes into building in Palma
It would appear that the driver fell asleep at the wheel.
Hotel Artmadams mural artist says he hasn't been paid
The owner insists that the artist has been paid.
Man who fell to his death in Palma was attempting a robbery
The incident occurred on Monday afternoon.
Police closing in on suspect who shot a woman in Playa de Palma
The shooting followed an earlier incident outside a Palma club.

Emergency services at an incident in Palma, Mallorca
At the scene on Monday afternoon.
Man dies after fall from a fifth floor in Palma
The homicide squad is investigating the circumstances.

Palma, Mallorca
Burst water pipe leaves 600 homes without supply
Supply off until around 6pm on Sunday.
Palma fatal crash: Deceased were not wearing seat belts
The deceased have now all been identified.
Fatal Palma crash was at accident blackspot
Two people on a motorcycle were killed along the same stretch of road last year.