Etiqueta 'Palma restaurants'
Santa Catalina in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Santa Catalina restaurateurs have had enough

Allegations of harassment by residents and the town hall plus increased rents are driving restaurateurs out.

Andrew Ede12/10/2022 14:52

The chargrilled sea bass was worth a 10.

Restaurant Review

Top chargrillers can also do fish

The fact is that I seldom find a restaurant cook who does chargrilled fish of any kind — it’s just too risky and few even give it a thought.

Andrew Valente09/04/2022 10:52

This type of terrace awning will be banned


Deadline looms for Palma terraces

The new law does allow screens, windbreakers and umbrellas that are not anchored to the pavement, but critics say that’s pointless.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/02/2020 04:01

Capuccino on Palma's Paseo Marítimo


Palma Cappuccino facelift

The Cappuccino restaurant on the Paseo Marítimoplans to reopen in a couple of months.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter06/02/2020 04:01

Taglitelle bolognese.

Restaurant Review

Fresh pasta order was such a hassle

Local restaurant review of Rosamunda, Calle Archiduque Luis Salvador 35, Palma. Tel:871-809089

Andrew Valente21/10/2019 10:45