Etiqueta 'Palma town hall'
The citizens attention service is one area for the satisfaction survey.

Town halls

Palma town hall to carry out services' satisfaction surveys

There are five services' areas which will be assessed; these include beach services in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/02/2020 11:43

While licence applications have increased, the number of licences granted has gone down.


Urgent measures wanted to reduce Palma building licence delays

The planning department at the town hall grinds to a halt at certain times of the year.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/01/2020 04:01

The promenade in Cala Gamba has been in a bad condition.


Palma demanding Costas' payment for Cala Gamba wall

The promenade wall in Cala Gamba is the Costas Authority's responsibility.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/01/2020 17:41

Neus Truyol


Palma unveils new plan to tackle traffic

In Palma there is an average of more than 900 vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants compared to the national average of 650.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/10/2019 13:39

Public safety councillor, Joana Maria Adrover


Scrapyard owners denounce Palma abandoned cars auction

Evidence has been produced regarding 72 vehicles for which traffic directorate records indicate that there are the different legal proceedings.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter11/10/2019 11:06

Son Toells car pound


Scrapyard owners were sold "stolen cars" by Palma town hall

"We won an auction for 38,000 euros plus IVA (VAT) and now find that legally we can't do anything with the cars."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/10/2019 13:51

Office in s'Excorxador

Town halls

Month's delay for Palma registration appointments

The town hall attributes the delays to staff being on holiday and the high number of appointments.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/07/2019 04:01

Neus Truyol, Palma's councillor for decent housing.


Palma will limit the cost to rent

Placing a limit on rents will require reform of Balearic legislation.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/06/2019 04:01

José Hila, Palma's mayor, in his office.

Town halls

Hila promising more police for Palma

More police, a plan to clean graffiti, more bus frequencies ...

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/06/2019 04:01

Plaça Cort, well populated with terraces.


Palma terraces cut by at least 79

The new bylaw regulating terraces came into force in July 2018 but was not applied until this year.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/06/2019 06:56

Food waste left out; it attracts rats.


More rats in Palma because of more filth

Certain parts of the city are most affected; the rats come out because of the food on the streets.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/06/2019 18:58

Arca saying no to graffiti vandalism.


Specific responsibility needed for tackling Palma graffiti

Heritage association Arca wants a proper plan for dealing with graffiti rapidly.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/06/2019 19:41

An example of graffiti that blights Palma.


Palma walls graffiti will be removed within a week

Bureaucracy has meant delays to the removal of graffiti from protected structures.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/05/2019 06:15

The town hall eventually got round to repairing the tile.

Town halls

Court orders compensation for Plaça Espanya accidents

A loose paving slab led to two accidents; Palma town hall will have to pay 46,000 and 55,000 euros.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/05/2019 16:41