Etiqueta 'Pollensa'
Tourists seen near Palma's Cathedral during the winter months


Mallorca’s all-year chance

Changing holiday habits in the UK could play into the hands of Mallorca as the island steps up its push for all-year tourism.

Humphrey Carter02/11/2023 15:22

Sheila Pye at the 12th Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival in Palma.

Sheila Pye at the 12th Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival in Palma.

Sheila Pye at the 12th Evolution Mallorca International Film Festival in Palma.

Humphrey Carter 23/10/2023


My concern at the Red Flags in Pollensa

Yet here, in peak season, we had lifeguards blowing whistles to warn beachgoers to keep out of the water because it was too contaminated.

Peter Kay11/09/2023 15:57