Etiqueta 'House prices'
Calvia is blessed with some of the most amazing beaches and coves.

House prices

Calvia home to the most expensive properties in Spain

The data also refers to the most sought-after locations to buy, a list in which Palma occupies 21st place with an average purchase price of 712,000 euros.

Humphrey Carter24/02/2025 11:16

Property prices are climbing again in the Balearics.

Property prices are climbing again in the Balearics.

Property prices are climbing again in the Balearics.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 07/03/2024

house construction

House construction

house construction.

Marcelo Sastre 27/01/2021

The average to rent, per square metre, is almost ten euros.


Forty per cent increases to rent and buy

The cost to buy and rent a property in the Balearics has increased on average by 40% since 2014.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/01/2019 18:28

vista aerea palma catedral pisos alquiler turistico


House prices rise fifteen times more than salaries increase

House prices have gone up by 31%, while salaries have increased by just two per cent.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/09/2018 16:01

While prices in Majorca and the Balearics are increasing, they are falling in some regions.


Balearics continue to spearhead house price recovery

Madrid, Catalonia and the Balearics have been the three regions driving the recovery in the property market.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter08/09/2017 00:00

Property market continues to be led by the Balearics


Property market continues to be led by the Balearics

Salaries are deemed inadequate in the Balearics for the purchase of the average home. Foreign buyers are the ones helping to keep the market buoyant.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/10/2016 00:00