Etiqueta 'Spanish Government'


Exit strategy

“The government should explain its exit strategy once and for all...”

Jason Moore20/04/2020 18:25

Spanish parliament


Spain's lower house suspends activities after lawmaker diagnosed with coronavirus

Lawmaker Javier Ortega Smith's party Vox disclosed he was diagnosed with coronavirus

Reuters10/03/2020 13:52


Spain’s first female party boss

What a way to mark International Women’s day - Ciudadanos chose a female leader.

Humphrey Carter10/03/2020 11:30


Agree to disagree

The Spanish and Catalan governments have opened talks - nice PR stunt.

Humphrey Carter28/02/2020 13:34

General view of Spain's parliament


Euthanasia bill sparks fierce debate in Spanish parliament

Under the current law, helping someone end their life carries a jail term of up to 10 years.

Reuters12/02/2020 11:08


Coalition government

“Sanchez is trying to form a coalition with some pretty radical parties...”

Jason Moore01/01/2020 09:46

Armengol with Pedro Sanchez


Spanish government cannot pay debt to the Balearics

The Spanish government is not in a position - for legal reasons - to approve payment of 177 million euros that are owed to the Balearic government.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter09/08/2019 04:01


Spain to guarantee UK citizens' rights

The contingency plan for a no-deal Brexit aims to ensure that British citizens are not deprived of their rights.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter01/03/2019 15:31

Tourists on holiday.


Doubts over social security reductions for the low season

It is not clear if the Spanish government will continue to apply a 50% reduction in social security contributions for fijo discontinuo employees who actually work in the low season.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/01/2019 09:50

Balearic tourism business representatives with the secretary of state for tourism, Bel Oliver.


Balearic businesses concerned by Brexit "passivity"

The Spanish government's contingency plan for a no-deal Brexit doesn't mention tourism.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter28/12/2018 18:23

Tourists on the beach.

False claims

Government continuing its war against false holiday claims

The Senate’s Energy and Tourism Commission yesterday approved a motion tabled by the Partido Popular in the Balearics to continue the fight against bogus holiday claims.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/11/2017 00:00

Ángel Mesado (left, glasses and beard) during a meeting with Biel Barceló and Pilar Carbonell.

Holiday rentals

Airbnb takes issue with Spanish government's rentals' decree

Ángel Mesado of Airbnb: "We don't know exactly what the decree will be like, but we take a very negative view of it."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/10/2017 00:00

Airport workers want better pay, following years of barely any wage increases.

Industrial relations

Airport strikes would be "horrific"

Exceltur says that there will be "international repercussions" and "enormous consequences" for Spain if the strikes go ahead.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/08/2017 00:00

Spain's hoteliers want tourism to be a Brexit negotiations' priority.


Tourism should be Brexit negotiations' priority for Spain

The president of the hoteliers doesn't want "political declarations" muddying the excellent and longstanding relations with the British people.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/04/2017 00:00

President Armengol met Mariano Rajoy in September 2015.


The contentious issues that divide Madrid and Palma

There are some dozen issues which the Balearic government considers to be "fundamental" and wants to be resolved urgently.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter14/03/2017 00:00