Etiqueta 'Tourist saturation'
Expats living in their local community

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Your weekly news catch up in Mallorca

British expats living among the locals, theatre in English, solidarity and support, house sales, tourist saturation...

Andrew Ede15/09/2023 15:25

Paguera's beach will plenty of tourists

Majorca tourism

Overcrowding - Mallorca's tourists' greatest concern

A survey of tourist opinion indicates an increasingly negative perception of overcrowding among Mallorca's tourists.

Andrew Ede15/08/2023 13:51

Caló des Moro in Santanyi, Mallorca


What's happened to tourist "saturation"?

Last summer, there were reports of saturation on pretty much a daily basis. But this summer ... .

Andrew Ede05/08/2023 13:23