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The Mayor of Palma José Hila met police chiefs today.

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Summer police booze crackdown starts next week in Palma

Some of the main problems being illegal massages, street vending, street drinking and pub crawls and noise pollution.

Humphrey Carter26/04/2023 14:40

Ben enjoyed a cheap day trip to Mallorca and a full English breakfast.


Day trips to the Balearics taking off in the UK

Britons are enjoying some great cheap flights to the Balearics.

Humphrey Carter07/04/2023 11:41

Lake Victoria in Tanzania


Price is king

According to the latest market reports, Tanzania is set to be the new party destination for Britons as they turn their backs on Mallorca.

Humphrey Carter05/04/2023 12:01

A beer price war could be brewing.

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Balearics could lose the battle of beer prices

The Balearics authorities will certainly want to avoid a beer price war.

Humphrey Carter16/03/2023 12:28

The new pre-flight campaign in the UK.


No drunk and fly drive warning for Brits if heading to the Balearics

Internal airline data suggests that excessive and uncontrolled alcohol consumption is a common factor.

Humphrey Carter18/11/2022 09:59