"If restaurants want to attract customers they may need to improve the offer and reduce their prices.” | Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter


There has been a rapid response to the story about restaurants and bars in Mallorca complaining about a drop in trade and here are just some of the comments:
“We own a home in Mallorca and we love to eat out, perhaps five or six evenings a week with the occasional lunch. Sadly due to the 90 day rule our time spent in Mallorca is restricted, we left the island in early June because we were approaching our 90 day limit. I noticed many restaurants in Port Andratx were offering menu del dia, which is unusual for this time of year, perhaps a sign they are struggling.”

Bad food at extortionate prices. Its not difficult. 16 euros for tomato and mozzarella starter kind of gives an idea why people are staying away.”

“Whenever there’s a slowdown or dip the Mallorcans almost always put the prices up. It’s insane economics and is going to bite them harder and harder as more punters refuse to pay stupid prices for mainly mediocre fare.”

“Brutal truth. First night of holiday, tourists arrive, not had chance to shop so splash out and dine out. After that shock, down the supermarkets, stock up on food and drink and save money. Perhaps one more night out at the end of the week. It’s not that it’s expensive; it’s just that British tourists have so much less money now.”

“Unfortunately most tourist salaries are the same as a few years ago and all prices have raised tremendously. Same hotel, same time of the year, same service, same type of room, same booking period with same agency. Before covid was below 6000€ for 2 weeks. 2023 become over 9000€ and in 2024 become over 12000€. I really would love that my salary would rise in the same way but unfortunately that’s not the case. You have to make choices to stay within the budget.”

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“I am a frequent visitor to the island as my daughter lives there, recently I have noticed a massive increase in prices in restaurants and coffee shops and a decline in quality.
I love eating out but am not prepared to spend a lot of money on mediocre food, I think this may be the problem, especially if one is eating in resorts or in Palma’s main tourist area.”

“A restaurant/bar I visit sometimes across the road from a beach just outside Palma has doubled its prices within the space of one year. And so rocking up on Friday for lunch not having made a reservation and fearing being turned away I had the pick of tables. Most tourists and locals just won’t pay 25 Euros for a simple fish dish with vegetables at a place that used to charge 13 Euros for the same plate and on an island where they can pay 13 Euros in many decent places for the menú del día. So the restaurants crying for the loss of customers need to reflect the old saying of you can fool me once but never twice.”

“Whilst I appreciate costs have risen significantly, most Mallorcan restaurants are extremely expensive for what is offered. In fairness, restaurants are businesses and if they can get away with then why shouldn’t they? However, tourists and residents alike are not so free spending and if restaurants want to attract customers they may need to improve the offer and reduce their prices.

“I am not at all surprised restaurants are losing customers. So many seem to being to trying to catch up for the profits lost during Covid and have pushed up prices way beyond those justified by inflation. €25 to €30 Euros for a main course - common in Puerto Pollensa - simply isn’t sustainable for many on a holiday budget. Spain used to be great value. Portugal still is but here some are simply getting greedy.”

“They need to reinvigorate the Tapas bars, go visit Valencia or Santiago de Comp’ to see how to do Tapas correctly instead of the luke warm unappetising gunge you see behind the glass at some of these unwelcoming establishments in Mallorca. And for goodness sakes, ban smoking on the terraces, filthy habit, keep it to yourselves.”

“I’m seeing so many establishments that have increased their prices by significantly more than the (admittedly high) compound inflation rate of the last couple of years, I wonder if they are getting what they deserve as a result?”