Etiqueta 'Cold'
"Image of the emergency department at Son Espases Hospital, where activity has increased in recent days

"Image of the emergency department at Son Espases Hospital, where activity has increased in recent days

Image of the emergency department at Son Espases Hospital, where activity has increased in recent days.

Archives 15/01/2025

Sneezing into a tissue


Coughs and sneezes still spread diseases

One of the easiest places on earth to catch germs, be it the flu, a common cold, or any other airborne virus, is in a doctor’s or hospital waiting room.

Peter Clover07/02/2024 16:52

Sneezing into a tissue

Sneezing into a tissue

Many practise a polite ‘cough into the hand’ custom, or more recently the ‘cough or sneeze into the crook of an arm’, even respectfully using a tissue when the need arises.

Archives 07/02/2024