Etiqueta 'Manners in general'
Texting while walking can be dangerous

Texting while walking can be dangerous

Texting while walking can be dangerous.

KIKA TRIAY 07/03/2025

Texting while walking can be dangerous


Mobile madness

Texting on the go is something we all do from time to time, but PLEASE be aware of your surroundings along with others in your speeding trajectory.

Peter Clover07/03/2025 10:12

Cyclotourism in Mallorca


Cyclotourism in Mallorca

It’s a multi-million euro business which will undoubtedly continue to grow as Mallorca establishes itself as the Biker’s Balearic Dream!

Peter Clover27/03/2024 16:52

Sneezing into a tissue


Coughs and sneezes still spread diseases

One of the easiest places on earth to catch germs, be it the flu, a common cold, or any other airborne virus, is in a doctor’s or hospital waiting room.

Peter Clover07/02/2024 16:52

People in a queue

Frank Talking

Come on - mind your manners and queue properly will you!

And it’s always about the small things in life such as bad manners, queue jumping and that reliable standby - silently cursing people who don’t behave properly.

Frank Leavers10/07/2020 00:10