Etiqueta 'Illegal street selling'
Police operation against illegal street selling in Palma, Mallorca

Police operation against illegal street selling in Palma, Mallorca

Part of the police operation on Saturday.

MDB 02/06/2024

The latest operation against illegal street tradiing.

The latest operation against illegal street tradiing.

The latest operation against illegal street tradiing.

National Police 08/04/2024

Street sellers in Mallorca who are on a training programme

Street sellers in Mallorca who are on a training programme

By the end of this month, there will be eighty trainees.

Pilar Pellicer 24/03/2023

Street sellers in Mallorca who are on a training programme

Latest headlines

Illegal street sellers being trained to find jobs

All participants have to agree to stop selling illegally; in exchange they will be trained and receive aid.

Andrew Ede24/03/2023 09:35

Police handing out fine for buying from an illegal seller.


First fine for buying from an illegal seller

Palma's revised public order bylaw established fines for buying from illegal sellers.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter04/06/2019 18:30

Illegal trading, a constant issue in Palma.


Small traders furious over illegal trading claims

A Palma town hall survey suggests that 54% of smaller retailers are unaffected by illegal traders.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/03/2019 20:57

Police acting against illegal selling. But how effective are police interventions?


Illegal street selling "the only work available"

When he came to Spain he never thought that three years later he would be an illegal street seller.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/03/2018 00:00