Spaniards cut back on drink, took more sedatives during pandemic
There was also a worrying rise in 15-24 year-olds' betting online, Villalbi said.
The last of the lockdowns?
So, what to do? Although the regulations aren’t currently as limiting as they were back in March 2020 when we were completely confined to the homestead, we are once again being encouraged to ‘STAY HOME’.
Spain reports record 40,197 COVID-19 cases
Spanish officials have repeatedly said a return to home confinement should not be necessary.
Rising COVID-19 cases push Spain's regions to call for tighter restrictions
Regional authorities cannot impose home confinement without central government authorization.
Spain's services sector grows in July in modest rebound from lockdown - PMI
Wednesday’s data showed only muted growth and “most worrying of all, incoming new business failing to regain meaningful traction as the economy opened up.
The digital revolution
During lockdown we all went online, not even I can keep up with the change.
Belgian prince tests positive for coronavirus after attending gathering in Spain
All 27 people who attended the party are now in quarantine.
Should the UK and Spain open air corridors?
Despite COVID-19, Spanish rental prices rise sharply in April
The medieval city of Santiago de Compostela topped the list of municipalities showing the sharpest rent increases.
The quarantine gamble
Just when Spain was getting back on its feet, some feel the country has taken a step back.
The revolt of the regions
“The government is making available 16,000 million euros of aid to the regions.”
Politicking in times of virus
Governments must be held accountable but there are times when unity is required.
Hiking in the Spanish Pyrenees
Hiking in the Spanish Pyrenees.
This is the sound of the tourist
It was a Sunday morning around ten o’clock last year and the sound of silence was deafening for a resort in Mallorca.
Andrew Ede14/04/2021 12:33