Is your doorbell spying on you?
You will have to believe me when I say that I am not (repeat not) a conspiracy theorist of any description. However, on occasions I have been known to ask myself - how on earth did he/she/they know about that?

Portable tablets and smartphones have become totally ‘de rigeur’
Portable tablets and smartphones have become totally ‘de rigeur’.
Frank Talking: New technology and some embarrassing confessions
Come on, I can’t be alone in this pathetic inability to engage in this sort of stuff can I - surely?

Can we turn off social media?.
Can we turn off social media?.

I can’t be alone in this pathetic inability to engage in this sort of stuff
I can’t be alone in this pathetic inability to engage in this sort of stuff
New app launched to find the cheapest flights in Spain
Atrápalo has launched an app for searching for flights which, it says, will allow travellers flying between September and December to do so for 15% less.
“The biggest threat to children and teachers today is social media, but there are no excuses”
“We love our kids, they’re great and they know the damage social media does and that we have their best interests at heart. They know phones aren’t good for them, but they get addicted to social media and that has to be confronted. It’s the scourge of our times.”
Santa on Smart-time
With Christmas looming just behind those smoking chimney pots, there has been recent media concern as to whether children as young as ‘five’ should be given smart-devices as Christmas prezzies!
Peter Clover20/12/2024 11:03