Turtles at Palma Aquarium
It is important to stress that if you find a turtle at sea or on the beach which has netting attached to it, or anything protruding from it, do NOT remove it.
“Sea turtles nesting in Mallorca show that marine animals are quicker at adapting to climate change than humans”
“We’re so busy wanting a good time tomorrow, we’re not thinking about what kind of world we’re leaving for our children...”
The sperm whale was found between Estellencs and Banyalbufar
The sperm whale was found between Estellencs and Banyalbufar.
Dead whale found on the north coast of Mallorca
In the event of finding a dead or live cetacean in danger, it is vitally important to call 112 so that we can proceed as quickly as possible.
Palma Aquarium rescue in Mallorca
The aquarium is in the frontline of marine animal rescue.
Palma Aquarium Rescue Centre attended to 116 marine animals in 2021
Driftnets, plastic, climate change - all factors affecting marine life.
Palma Aquarium, Mallorca
More than 700 species at Palma Aquarium.
Marine environment
Palma Aquarium to close temporarily
This will be the first time that the Aquarium has closed.
Dolphin entangled in a net for a week is freed
The dolphin, a female of more than three metres in length, was able to submerge and swim freely.
Person of the week, boos and cheers
Find out who the Bulletin's Person of the Week was, who was nominated for Three Cheers and A Big Boo.
Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/10/2020 10:56