Etiqueta 'TIE residence cards'
The TIE card is going to make life much easier for British expats, especially travel.

The TIE card is going to make life much easier for British expats, especially travel.

The TIE card is going to make life much easier for British expats, especially travel.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 28/05/2024

The green certificate is still valid.

The green certificate is still valid.

The green certificate is still valid.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 28/12/2023

The green certificate is still valid.


The “green certificate” is still valid for British residents in Spain

While both the UK and Spanish government do recommend UK nationals exchange their green certificate or card for the TIE, there is no legal obligation to do so in Spain.

Humphrey Carter28/12/2023 13:31