Etiqueta 'UK Nationals living in Spain'
Over 16,000 expats live successfully in Mallorca


Surviving in Paradise

As much as I adore living here in sun-kissed Mallorca, if I’m totally honest, the past twenty years haven’t always been one entirely, idyllic, bed of fragrant roses.

Peter Clover08/07/2024 14:57

Over 16,000 expats live successfully in Mallorca

Over 16,000 expats live successfully in Mallorca

Over 16,000 expats live successfully in Mallorca.

Mancomunitat Pla de Mallorca 08/01/2024

90-day rule in Spain


If France can, why not Spain?

France appears set to lift the 90-day rule for British second home owners. Spain has expressed an interest in doing the same. So what’s the delay, especially while Spain holds the presidency of the European Union?

Humphrey Carter17/11/2023 09:38

Digital Nomad Visa


Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa and tax benefits

The new Digital Nomad Visa enables UK and other non-EU nationals to live and work remotely in Spain, plus provides tax advantages.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks12/05/2023 11:52

Expatriates who have UK pension funds above £1 million


UK 2023 budget abolishes the pension lifetime allowance

Your lifetime allowance is the amount you can hold in combined UK pension benefits (excluding the state pension) before incurring additional tax charges.

Cathal Rochford, Partner Blevins Franks31/03/2023 11:38

Okay, perhaps I’m a cheapskate, but come on, really?


Confidential: Devon delights and other holiday stuff!

Find out how Frank Leavers is faring on his extended stay in the south of England.

Frank Leavers22/09/2021 12:36

British expatriates planning a trip back to the UK are not yet covered by the new double-jab travel scheme.


Viewpoint: No double-jab for expatriates yet

British expatriates planning a trip back to the UK are not yet covered by the new double-jab travel scheme.

Humphrey Carter12/07/2021 11:13

HMA Hugh Elliott

HMA Hugh Elliott

HMA Hugh Elliott.

Juan Millás 16/06/2021

A Pet Photography Competition


Volunteers raise funds for telephone friendship service

The volunteers held a competition between themselves to raise funds to support the service.

Age in Spain05/05/2021 10:47

Her Majesty's Ambassador to Spain, Hugh Elliott


Age in Spain offers residency support to UK Armed Forces veterans in Spain

Veterans or their family members living anywhere in Spain (and whatever their age) can contact Age in Spain for information and varying levels of support – according to their needs.

Age in Spain14/04/2021 15:29

UK nationals living in Spain after Brexit


British Government extends help to expats in Spain

The UKNSF provides funds to eight organisations to support UK Nationals who need assistance with their residency applications.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter07/04/2021 13:04

UK nationals living in Spain after Brexit

UK nationals living in Spain after Brexit

Figures just published by the Observatorio Permanente de la Inmigracion show that as of 31 December 2020 there were 381,448 UK Nationals holding a valid residency certificate or card in Spain.

Archives 07/04/2021

Your essential guide to living in Spain

Your essential guide to living in Spain

Your essential guide to living in Spain.

UK Embassy Madrid 09/02/2021