Frank Leavers
Frank Leavers

Frank has been writing a number of different columns for the Bulletin for almost 16 years; in that time he has also worked as a radio and television presenter in Mallorca. He has a background in the press, media, politics and public affairs that goes back to the early 1980’s. Alas, he’s getting grumpier as he gets older!

Sunday Essay

A man's got to do, what a man's got to do!

Boredom means you start to read stray Hola magazines that feature lots of glamorous couples that you’ve previously never heard of - and in Castilian!

Frank Leavers 19/07/2020 00:10

Frank Talking

Face-Masks: The ugly truth!

I have become somewhat of a connoisseur when it comes to face-mask styling presentaion.

Frank Leavers 17/07/2020 15:16

Frank Confidential

Majorca tourism - the next twenty years and what might change?

For instance, will travel continue to be unrestricted, or could growing nationalism demand that tourists should stay at home as a matter of loyalty?

Frank Leavers 15/07/2020 00:10

Frank Talking

Come on - mind your manners and queue properly will you!

And it’s always about the small things in life such as bad manners, queue jumping and that reliable standby - silently cursing people who don’t behave properly.

Frank Leavers 10/07/2020 00:10

Frank Confidential

My island love affair - Twenty years on!

It is with this sense of anticipation, that I start my third decade living here in Majorca.

Frank Leavers 08/07/2020 09:52

Sunday Essay

The politics of personality - Who says it doesn't matter?

Prime Minister Johnson and opposition leader Sir Keir Starmer are about as far apart in style and content as it is possible for two politicians to be.

Frank Leavers 05/07/2020 12:48

Frank Confidential

Whistling to keep our spirits up? Scary scooters and random fiestas

It seemed that every ‘electric scooter’ on the island was out-to-get-me as I was making my way peaceably along The Kings pavements.

Frank Leavers 01/07/2020 09:42

Frank Talking

We are all supposed to want the truth - but what is the truth?

Today, we have those all pervasive social-media warriors commenting on anything and everything.

Frank Leavers 19/06/2020 00:10

Frank Confidential

Any chance of some tourism clarity I wonder? Plus - stroppy seagulls and glorious gardening

Someone murmured that the gulls were ultra aggressive as the lack of tourists had severely limited their usual food intake and they were now desperate for food

Frank Leavers 17/06/2020 00:10

Frank Talking

Are you predictably boring - or, boringly predictable?

I have been known to keep up a long and very tedious narrative to anyone unlucky enough to be a passenger of mine.

Frank Leavers 13/06/2020 09:03

Frank Confidential

Attracting the attention of that waiter; plus, when is it okay to rain?

Today, with your help, I will be undergoing some research as to what British people do or say...

Frank Leavers 10/06/2020 17:42

Frank Confidential

Why not try doing it yourself: Plus - beach nudity... Are you hunk, chunk or drunk?

I don’t know if I’m getting a little censorious in my old age - but, there was an awful lot (and I mean a lot!) of naked flesh on show.

Frank Leavers 03/06/2020 00:49

Frank Talking

The Survey Says - Love Is In The Air!

George Clooney is still the older man’s ‘Go To’ inspiration.

Frank Leavers 29/05/2020 00:10

Frank Confidential

Trying to get back ot normal and failing!

Clearly, these folk aren’t the only ones affected by what is currently happening, but - because of the nature of what they do and the interface that they have with the public their current fate seems much worse.

Frank Leavers 27/05/2020 00:10

Frank Confidential

Never a crossed word during lockdown - I don't believe it!

Have you noticed that couples in a new relationship never bicker?

Frank Leavers 20/05/2020 00:10

Frank Talking

Coronavirus: how are you coping?

I barely saw a man under forty years of age wearing a mask or attempting any sort of meaningful social distancing.

Frank Leavers 15/05/2020 01:32

Frank Confidential

A travellers tale

“Will those passengers who are not Spanish citizens kindly come to the departure desk please.”

Frank Leavers 13/05/2020 04:01

Frank Talking

Shame on the lockdown 'grasses', the Groundhog Day effect and Comedic Coppers

Have you ever seen the film Groundhog Day? Well, for many of us we are living that film...

Frank Leavers 08/05/2020 04:01

Frank Confidential

Cancelled flights, aggressive social-distancing and a good book!

It has been nine weeks since we arrived here on a flying visit to the United Kingdom to attend amongst other things - my nephews wedding.

Frank Leavers 06/05/2020 04:01

Frank Talking

Who are you calling old?

I think the best thing for a person of a ‘certain’ age to do, is to ignore that fact; that’s it, ignore it and if at all possible, why not lop 5 to 10 years off your age at every opportunity, even if that takes you perilously close to puberty?

Frank Leavers 01/05/2020 04:01