Humphrey Carter
Humphrey Carter


Deputy Editor

Oxford-born Humphrey Carter joined the Bulletin in 1994 as a photographer, having studied photography, film and psychology in the UK. After having travelled the world and worked in many fields, within months of joining the Bulletin he secured exclusive access to Australia’s most wanted man in Mallorca and ran with the story for the following ten years for the local and international media. He was made Deputy Editor in 1997 and has been sent on numerous overseas assignments - he fronted the multi-media coverage of Real Mallorca’s European football campaign. His work has been featured on the front pages of newspapers and magazines around the world and is a regular commentator for leading international media outlets, in particular television and radio.


History repeats itself

Some people never learn from the past, especially politicians.

Humphrey Carter 19/04/2017 00:00


Barceló, Branson, Brexit: last week in Majorca

Tourism minister Biel Barceló was under pressure, there was chaos at the airport and there were arrests because of a fake cancer "cure".

Humphrey Carter 17/04/2017 00:00


What is the euro really worth?

Never mind Brexit, there are other countries in the EU which have their own concerns about the future as well.

Humphrey Carter 17/04/2017 00:00


Ban horse and carriages

I think the time has come to remove this cruel attraction from the streets.

Humphrey Carter 15/04/2017 00:00


Praise for public transport

I have to admit that if I was taxi driver I would be worried about the new bus services.

Humphrey Carter 13/04/2017 00:00


Palma playing dangerous games

Agree with the argument or not, Palma needs to have a clear and strong message for the tourist industry.

Humphrey Carter 02/04/2017 00:00


"I would not recommend modelling as a career"

Interview with top international Majorcan model, actress, film maker, ballet teacher and fashion designer Tiffany Nia Escolano.

Humphrey Carter 02/04/2017 00:00


Spain to be treated to a Majorcan Pirates Adventure

El Jefe Infiltrado featuring Pirates Adventure airs on Thursday 30 March on Spanish channel La Sexta at 10.30pm.

Humphrey Carter 28/03/2017 00:00


Airport authority is cashing in

Just how many of the passengers flying into Palma this year are actually staying on the island?

Humphrey Carter 26/03/2017 00:00


"Palma is becoming a magnet for leading artists and collectors"

Leading art gallery owners, collectors and dealers Fede Pinya and Eva Shakouri talk about the Palma art scene.

Humphrey Carter 25/03/2017 00:00


Palma to become new Mediterranean base for major airlines

EasyJet opened its new base - its 28th across Europe - at Palma yesterday.

Humphrey Carter 23/03/2017 00:00


Hoteliers want UK help to tackle holiday insurance fraud

The British Consul General and Vice-Consul yesterday held talks with the hoteliers federation about false holiday compensation claims.

Humphrey Carter 22/03/2017 00:00


Expatriate status is top priority for London

"One of the twelve key objectives as we exit the EU is to secure the status of UK nationals in the EU and the status of EU citizens in the UK."

Humphrey Carter 21/03/2017 00:00


Scots calling on Balearic government for winter flight help

"I thought after all the campaigning the Bulletin and the Scottish community did the year before last, we had finally solved the problem of a lack of direct winter flights."

Humphrey Carter 17/03/2017 00:00


No direct flights from Scotland next winter

Passengers from northern England look set to face problems as well; Monarch has scrapped its Manchester service.

Humphrey Carter 16/03/2017 00:00


I am not a tourist

Madrid needs to realise that we are neither all tourists nor millionaires living here.

Humphrey Carter 15/03/2017 00:00


Deal or no deal?

Britain could today embark on leaving the European Union with no real plan.

Humphrey Carter 14/03/2017 00:00


Majorca's golden singing angel

What began as a hobby for 28-year-old Angel Flukes has now turned into a full-time professional career.

Humphrey Carter 12/03/2017 00:00


Spain starts to worry about Brexit

Spain is hoping that Brussels will take into account its important relationships with the United Kingdom when it comes to Brexit negotiations.

Humphrey Carter 10/03/2017 00:00