Jason Moore
Jason Moore


Managing Editor

Jason Moore joined the Bulletin straight from school as a junior reporter after being educated at international schools on the island in 1988. As a news reporter he worked closely with our Spanish stablemate Última Hora and was sent on numerous foreign assignments including Boston and London. He became Deputy Editor in 1996 and Editor in 1997. In 2018 he was appointed Managing editor with the additional responsibility of sales and advertising. In 2022 he oversaw the transformation of the Bulletin into an online publication and the launch of the new Mallorca Bulletin. Born in Cambridge in 1970, he moved to Mallorca aged 5 and was educated at Bellver International College and Kings College. In 2012 he received a special award from the Calvia Council on the Bulletin’s 50th anniversary. He has written articles for most of the leading UK newspapers and has often worked as a pundit on British and Spanish television and radio programmes.


Rental law

The present rental law is not fit for purpose and needs to be changed.

Jason Moore 21/02/2018 00:00



There is little or no point holding another European Union referendum.

Jason Moore 20/02/2018 00:00


No diesels

I don’t think the Balearic government has really thought too closely about the implications of their diesel car plan.

Jason Moore 18/02/2018 00:00


Expat Brits

“Just because you move abroad you shouldn't lose your rights...”

Jason Moore 17/02/2018 00:00


Green crusade

I hope the necessary infrastructure is in place for this green crusade.

Jason Moore 16/02/2018 00:00


Paying the price

Majorca must offer value for money at all times, especially now.

Jason Moore 15/02/2018 00:00


British moving away

“Why are the British pulling out of the Balearics and heading back to Britain...”

Jason Moore 14/02/2018 00:00


Talking your language

“Perhaps the Balearic government should just sit on the fence over Catalan...”

Jason Moore 13/02/2018 00:00


The vote

British expats should be able to vote in general elections somewhere, either in Spain or Britain.

Jason Moore 11/02/2018 00:00


Welcome aboard

The Queen Elizabeth will certainly have been welcomed in Gibraltar.

Jason Moore 10/02/2018 00:00


Health service

The Spanish health service works but its British counterpart doesn't.

Jason Moore 09/02/2018 00:00


Eating out

It is almost impossible to get a table at a Palma restaurant without booking.

Jason Moore 08/02/2018 00:00


Brexit damage

If a second referendum was held on Brexit, would Britain vote leave?

Jason Moore 07/02/2018 00:00


Spain opinion poll

Rajoy is still ahead in the polls but without a clear majority.

Jason Moore 06/02/2018 00:00


Tourist tax damage

64 million euros were raised through the tourist tax, which is just a drop in the ocean.

Jason Moore 04/02/2018 00:00


Post-Brexit rights

The British government should be careful about what it says.

Jason Moore 03/02/2018 00:00


English in schools

Many parents believe that more English should be taught in local schools.

Jason Moore 02/02/2018 00:00



I believe that you should be able to vote in the country where you reside.

Jason Moore 01/02/2018 00:00


Renting out

I can't understand why the government introduces senseless laws.

Jason Moore 31/01/2018 00:00


Voting rights

The voting rights of thousands of British expats in Spain are in doubt.

Jason Moore 30/01/2018 00:00