Catalonia - difficult times
Spanish public opinion is deeply divided, but it is the silent majority who decides.
The Monarch operation
The British government deserves praise for the massive Monarch operation.
Rift in Catalonia
The police will be in the firing line but they have been used as a political tool.
The big split
Spain is split over the Catalan independence vote and this is a nightmare situation for the country.
British media and "anti-tourism"
Reports in the British press, including one that refers to Britons being "hated", have relied on comments lifted straight from the Bulletin website.
Protesting against tourism
Everything that happens in Majorca is always big news in northern Europe.
Catalonia's referendum
One million people marching through Barcelona on Monday calling for independence should get the alarm bells ringing.
Not such a record season
Overall it is not exactly the best time for the local government to double the tourist tax.
Corbyn for PM?
Corbyn only looks like a leader in waiting because his opponent, Theresa May, is so poor.
Foreign workers
Brexit is about pulling out of the European Union not about ruining the British economy.
Catalan independence
The Catalan government has to realise that it will never get independence without the blessing of Madrid.
The importance of tourism
It could be said that tourism is keeping the wolves from the door when it comes to the Spanish economy.
Time to go
Rajoy has turned the crisis in Catalonia into a world issue and May just goes from crisis to crisis.
Jason Moore 08/10/2017 00:00