Etiqueta 'British tourists'
British tourists on the beach

British tourists on the beach

Last season was a good one because tens of thousands of Britons had Covid chips to cash in from holidays postponed by the pandemic.


Tourists in Palma


British tourists dominating the Balearic market this year

More British tourists ar coming on holiday to the Balearics than Germans and that is despite a lower pound and Brexit.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter03/07/2019 10:41

Right now, Mallorca needs every last tourist of whatever nationality to return

Right now, Mallorca needs every last tourist of whatever nationality to return

Right now, Mallorca needs every last tourist of whatever nationality to return.

T. AYUGA 05/08/2017


TV cameraman beaten up by tourists in Magalluf

The cameraman was with the 061 ambulance emergency service at a hotel in Magalluf.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/07/2017 00:00

National Police at Palma airport.


Britons arrested at the airport for attacking police

The two drunken Brits began throwing punches at the officers and acting aggressively.

Humphrey Carter14/06/2017 00:00

Lucy Gorman (left) with Inma Benito of the Majorca Hoteliers Federation.


Hotelier concern over "hidden" false compensation claims

More than 10,000 claims may have been "hidden" by British tour operators in order not to affect negotiations over hotel places.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter05/04/2017 00:00

Magalluf: Someone practising "balconing".


Foreign Office updates balcony safety advice

"There have been a number of very serious accidents (some fatal) as a result of falls from balconies."

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/11/2016 00:00