Etiqueta 'Easter in Mallorca'
Easter weather in Mallorca
Easter weather in Mallorca
Ways of roasting your Easter lamb
During the Easter weekend roast lamb will be served all over the island.
Easter in Puerto Soller
Easter in Puerto Soller.
Simnel: English cake for Easter
Our Bulletin's food expert reveals what gastronomic feasts we can expect during the Easter!!
Simnel cake
Simnel cake
Tourists are seen in Alcudia during the Easter season in 2019
Tourists are seen in Alcudia during the Easter season in 2019.
That’s the power of Easter
With the national ministry of health not wanting Easter travel, regional governments are coming together in looking to limit mobility.
Easter is cancelled in processions
Finally the decision has been made.
Easter Week in Palma
Easter processions in Palma. The Procession of "El Sant Crist de la Sang."
Vaccine before holiday
Spanish experts and politicians fear the Minister for Tourism has jumped the gun.
Vorsprung durch technik
I hate to say this but the Balearics is on the verge of making a massive mistake.
Humphrey Carter19/03/2021 12:22