Etiqueta 'Mallorca beaches'
Check the beach rules and regulations.

Check the beach rules and regulations.

Check the beach rules and regulations.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 24/07/2023

Heatwave on Mallorca 2023

Latest headlines

Your weekly news catch up in Mallorca

This week from a big heatwave to some of the best beaches on the island and back to balconing and flight disruptions again.

Andrew Ede14/07/2023 14:17

Magaluf, Mallorca


'Revival' plan for Magalluf beach

While nearby beaches are as popular as ever, there is a lack of beachgoers in Magalluf.

Andrew Ede14/07/2023 08:00

A 15th century Mallorcan finca which had been restored at great cost


Go wild in Mallorca

There is so much more to Mallorca than the beaches. Head inland, get away from the crowds and make the most of the island’s rural estates.

Humphrey Carter06/07/2023 16:46

Latest headlines

Bury yourself in the Mallorca can help your skin

In addition, after 'sand therapy', it is important to shower and clean yourself properly to remove any residue and prevent irritation.

Jason Moore04/07/2023 15:33

General view of Magalluf beach

General view of Magalluf beach

View of Magalluf beach.

Archives 03/07/2023