Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'
Francina Armengol, president of the Balearics

Latest headlines

President Armengol - on re-election and the tourism law

Francina Armengol speaks about management of the pandemic, strategic investment, the new tourism law and the Hat Bar.

Andrew Ede29/05/2022 08:23

Human mosaic in Palma Mallorca's Plaça Major

Latest headlines

Palma human mosaic to publicise law for future well-being

Environmentalists GOB have lodged a popular legislative initiative with parliament for a law for the well-being of future generations.

Andrew Ede28/05/2022 19:54

Hotel in Menorca


All-inclusive-light: Maybe it's a way forward

The restriction on free alcohol in all-inclusive hotels in areas of certain resorts has created a new offer.

Andrew Ede26/05/2022 14:34

The UK was the largest market in May.

The UK was the largest market in May.

The UK was the largest market in May.

David Arquimbau Sintes 22/05/2022

Holidaying Spanish students at an event in Palma

Majorca tourism

Spanish student "study trips" generate 30 million euros

One of the main organisers has held a meeting with local authorities to address problems.

Andrew Ede20/05/2022 08:08

Tourists by Palma Cathedral in Mallorca

Tourists by Palma Cathedral in Mallorca

German tourism has been buoyant since Easter.

Jaume Morey 14/05/2022

Puerto Alcudia, Mallorca

Puerto Alcudia, Mallorca

One challenge - a dependence on sun and beach.

Archive 13/05/2022