Etiqueta 'Mallorca tourism'
People at the Sa Foradada viewpoint in Deya, Mallorca

Majorca tourism

Tourists wanting an end to overcrowding

Environmentalist groups say that tourists experience for themselves the effects of saturation.

Andrew Ede28/08/2022 08:13

Market in Palma, Mallorca

Latest headlines

Balearics facing a tough winter because of inflation

A buoyant summer, but in the winter there will be economic slowdown and a "very worrying" situation.

Andrew Ede27/08/2022 07:41


"We encouraged mass tourism and we got rich....don't moan now"

"The Spanish economy is in trouble, the cost of living continues to rise and I sincerely doubt that many hotels will remain open this winter. It would be absolutely fantastic if Mallorca was relatively empty during the summer months; more space on the beach, no need to reserve a table in a restaurant, quieter roads. Paradise in the Mediterranean. But the truth is that Mallorca lives off tourism and we need busy summers to keep the local economy going."

Jason Moore26/08/2022 11:14

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca


Mallorca saturated?

Perception is the key, and the environment minister says there is "negative social perception".

Andrew Ede25/08/2022 19:57

Passengers at Palma Son Sant Joan Airport, Mallorca

Majorca tourism

Mallorca anticipating a record September

Indications are that the record number of passengers at the airport in September 2019 will be exceeded.

Andrew Ede25/08/2022 07:02

Mallorca is proving to be Spain's top single destination.

Mallorca is proving to be Spain's top single destination.

Mallorca is proving to be Spain's top single destination.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter 24/08/2022

Polls | 23/08/2022 16:40

Vote for your best Mallorca beach

808 votes
112 votes
82 votes
45 votes
74 votes
24 votes
32 votes
67 votes
25 votes
126 votes
29 votes
11 votes
28 votes
24 votes
129 votes
Polls | 23/08/2022 13:29


Mallorca in the famous five in the top picturesque islands

With a whopping 76,086,685 hashtags, Bali takes the crown for the most Insta-worthy island. A fun fact about the island is there are beaches with black sand. One example is Lovina Beach, which is covered by black sand - a result of cooled volcano lava.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter23/08/2022 11:53

Tourist saturation

Tourist saturation

Lots of tourists seen sitting at a bar in Mallorca.

Nekane Domblás/R.C. 22/08/2022

Latest headlines

Turkish delight....should Mallorca be concerned?

The tourism ministry raised its year-end targets last month to 47 million tourists and $37 billion in tourism revenues.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/08/2022 15:07