Etiqueta 'Spain'
The Brits have been occupying much of the beach. But what will Brexit mean?


Britons took over Majorca in August

The British won the Balearic tourism battle with the Germans in August but only just.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter30/09/2016 00:00

Will the referendum result really mean fewer tourists from the UK?


Bank cuts Balearic growth forecast because of referendum result

BBVA suggests that growth will fall more in Murcia and Valencia, the latter because of the high concentration of British residents in Alicante.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter12/09/2016 00:00

Saturated by cruise-ship passengers? Numbers for the Balearics were down for the first six months.


Cruise numbers down for the first half of the year

The half-yearly figures for cruise-ship passenger traffic show a decrease of more than four per cent.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/08/2016 00:00

Simon Manley (left) with Lloyd Milen, the British Consul.


Manley: Britons in Spain need not be nervous about Brexit

"We would have been better off together, but we must respect the public’s decision."

Humphrey Carter11/08/2016 00:00

National Police at Palma's Son Sant Joan airport.


Spain stepping up security in tourist areas following terrorist attacks

Security forces in the country are stepping up their vigilance, with tourist areas and religious sites being particularly sensitive.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter27/07/2016 00:00

EasyJet is not alone in having concerns about currency volatility and political uncertainty.


UK tourist spending in Spain forecast to fall by 12%

The UK being outside the common European aviation area will have an impact on airlines such as Ryanair and easyJet.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter22/07/2016 00:00

The control tower at Palma's Son Sant Joan airport.


Fears over Spanish air-traffic disruption

Air-traffic controllers at airports such as Palma are being stretched to the limit by the "barrage of flights".

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter19/07/2016 00:00

Packed beaches for now in Majorca at any rate.


Mediterranean tourism to be affected by Brexit

Moody's may see a complicated future for tourism in Spain and the Balearics, but the BBVA bank, reporting on Balearic growth, is one source which does not.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter18/07/2016 00:00

It seems as if Majorca is in for a short spell of particularly hot weather.


A heatwave is coming to Majorca (probably)

Parts of the Mediterranean could experience highs of 40C, though the Balearic Islands are not mentioned in this regard.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/07/2016 00:00

The petition for dual nationality launched by British journalists in Spain.


"We want the same rights as Spaniards living in the UK"

"Spaniards resident in the UK already enjoy the right to joint nationality (unlike their counterparts in Spain), and Germany is considering making a similar offer to Britons who live there."

Humphrey Carter13/07/2016 00:00

Early morning raids in Palma.


Over forty arrests in Majorca's biggest drugs bust of the year

At least 40 people have been arrested in Majorca, while in total nearly 100 have been arrested across Spain.

Humphrey Carter08/07/2016 00:00

Mariano Rajoy is looking to secure backing for a new PP-led government.


Rajoy hopes to lead government

"I hope they at least let the party that won take office even though it would do so in difficult circumstances."

29/06/2016 00:00

The points' system in Spain works through the loss of points as opposed to their being added up.


Over 2,000 drivers have had their driving licences withdrawn

Since 2006, a total of 2,352 drivers have lost all the points on their driving licences.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter29/06/2016 00:00

Pedro Sanchez of PSOE. His party saw its number of seats in Congress fall.


Spain has no easy options in search for a new government

The Partido Popular  came first in a general election, but acting Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy fell short of a majority for the second time in six months.

28/06/2016 00:00

Mariano Rajoy's PP gained seats at Sunday's election.


Rajoy seeks swift government deal, doubts linger

Spain's caretaker prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, said yesterday he would reach out to rivals in a bid to quickly form a government after his conservative party strengthened its lead in elections on Sunday, though still far short of a majority.

28/06/2016 00:00

The leaders of the PP, Podemos, C's and PSOE - Mariano Rajoy, Pablo Iglesias, Albert Rivera and Pedro Sánchez - casting their votes today.


PP gain in Spain, no change in the Balearics

In the Balearics, President Armengol of PSOE will feel she has kept a grip on the pact with Més and Podemos that would have been undermined had PSOE come third.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter26/06/2016 00:00

Acting premier Rajoy calls for calmness.


Spanish PM says EU should be reformed to focus on economy after Brexit vote

The European Union should be reformed to focus on economic growth, jobs and greater integration after Britain's vote, Rajoy said today.

Angus Berwick and Julien Toyer24/06/2016 00:00

The Spanish city of La Linea de la Concepcion, and the top of the Rock, a monolithic limestone promontory, are seen next to the


Spain to seek co-sovereignty on Gibraltar after Brexit

Spain will seek co-sovereignity on Gibraltar following Britain's vote to leave the European Union.

Angus Berwick24/06/2016 00:00

Balearic government giving reassuring message to British visitors and residents.

EU referendum

Brexit: Balearic government issues message of reassurance to expatriates

The government stressed that there would be no immediate effect on British residents or visitors.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/06/2016 00:00

Two of those arrested being taken to court.


Twenty-three arrests in Spain for drugs trafficking gang

Money laundering, meanwhile, was being undertaken involving hotel businesses on Spain's east coast and in Palma.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter17/06/2016 00:00