Marc Fosh
Marc Fosh

Marc Fosh is the first and only British Chef to be awarded a Michelin Star in Spain.
Marc Fosh Restaurant is located in Palma’s Convent de la Missio where contemporary design blends seamlessly with traditional features and modern art. The restaurant opened to rave reviews and has quickly become Palma’s premiere culinary destination.


Sweet Spanish kitchen at Easter

Marc Fosh shares three sweet dishes that are eaten over Easter week. Why not give them a try?

Marc Fosh 18/04/2022 11:37


Lamb for Easter

Planning on having lamb for Easter? Marc Fosh offers some tasty recipes to try out.

Marc Fosh 11/04/2022 13:07


The herb garden

Michelin-star chef Marc Fosh with advice for the home herb garden.

Marc Fosh 26/03/2022 14:15


Rhubarb is now in season

One of Marc Fosh's favourite ingredients is in season right now.

Marc Fosh 21/03/2022 09:57


Sweet Pea

Check out Marc Fosh's easy pea recipes he's cooking this week.

Marc Fosh 12/03/2022 13:07


Aroma therapy

This week Michelin star chef Marc Fosh brings out the best in garlic with three tasting recipes. Take a look!

Marc Fosh 07/03/2022 11:34


White, green…or purple?

Michelin-star chef Marc Fosh on the wonders of asparagus.

Marc Fosh 27/02/2022 08:26


Zest for life

If you are lucky enough to have a friend with a big lemon tree, Marc Fosh reveals how to put it to good use.

Marc Fosh 20/02/2022 09:06


Packed with flavour

Do you want to use all the flavours that canned fish has to offer?

Marc Fosh 13/02/2022 14:34


My Favourite Dish

Do you know what Marc Fosh's favourite dish is?

Marc Fosh 06/02/2022 12:28


My classic turkey roast

What makes the perfect roast turkey for Christmas?

Marc Fosh 24/12/2021 10:00


Peace, love and chocolate

Christmas and New Year is the ideal time to make a few homemade chocolate delights to offer to your friends and family over the festive period.

Marc Fosh 20/12/2021 10:02


The perfect roast Goose for Christmas...

Do you love the smell of a goose roasting in the oven at Christmas? Marc Fosh shows how to cook a perfect goose

Marc Fosh 13/12/2021 10:40


Pork belly perfection

Marc Fosh shares the secrets of the perfect pork belly.

Marc Fosh 05/12/2021 09:39


Stir it up…Mama mia!

Do you want to cook a classic Roman recipe? Marc Fosh unveils little-known Italian recipes.

Marc Fosh 29/11/2021 10:56


As sweet as Honey…

Marc Fosh unveils the amazing recipes that you can make with honey.

Marc Fosh 22/11/2021 10:43


Time for "Arroz Brut"... Mallorca’s dirty rice

Winter is the perfect time to indulge in this old fashioned, heart-warming dish with Marc Fosh's own twist.

Marc Fosh 15/11/2021 10:29


Tiramisu… the perfect lift me up!

Michelin-star Marc Fosh shares his basic rules for making the perfect tiramisu.

Marc Fosh 07/11/2021 10:02


Mushroom heaven

Michelin-star Marc Fosh shows the best way to cook Mallorcan mushrooms.

Marc Fosh 31/10/2021 11:07


The perfect Crème Caramel

Michelin-star Marc Fosh showcases how to make the best Crème caramel.

Marc Fosh 25/10/2021 10:49