Etiqueta 'Holidays'
The Three Peak Challenge in the Tramuntana is a further reason for servicemen to come to Majorca.


From the world's battlefields to the beaches of Majorca

Two groups of British servicemen and women who have been wounded on active service will be arriving on the island with their partners for a week’s holiday.

Humphrey Carter10/09/2016 00:00

Holiday sales, flights, tourist tax: the past week in Majorca

Latest headlines

Holiday sales, flights, tourist tax: the past week in Majorca

A record for the Bulletin, holidays selling out, flight fares going through the roof: just some of the stories over the past seven days.

Monitor07/02/2016 00:00

Minorca. It might not get the volume of tourists that Majorca does, but it's a destination likely to prove popular this summer.


UK rush to Spain could push prices up

Spanish holiday sales in the UK for the first week in January showed that demand is continuing to rise, but there may be a downside.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter16/01/2016 00:00

Britons snapping up Balearic bargains


Britons snapping up Balearic bargains

“As soon as the turkey was wolfed down, the all-out frenzy of 2016 holiday booking began”

Humphrey Carter28/12/2015 00:00

Many families have been arriving in Palma for the festivities.


Palma airport busy at Christmas

The busiest days at Palma are scheduled to be 2 and 3 January.

Majorca Daily Bulletin reporter24/12/2015 00:00


The long break

“I find it rather amazing that local politicians all go on holiday in August...”

Jason Moore26/08/2015 00:00