Etiqueta 'Marc Fosh recipes'

Food and drink

The Secret of Umami: Unlocking the Fifth Taste

Obsessive chefs believe that if you can find the perfect balance of the five basic tastes: sweet, salt, bitter, sour and umami, you’ll have some sort of culinary utopia!

Marc Fosh02/10/2022 15:14

Food and drink

3 Healthy Summer Salads... Big On Flavour!

The Lebanese fattoush salad is essentially a "bread salad".It's a simple recipe very similar in some ways to the local “Trampó” salad from Mallorca.

Marc Fosh06/09/2022 10:48

Food and drink

The Cool Dude

When you're shopping for cucumbers, look for ones that are firm and free of blemishes and soft spots.

Marc Fosh29/08/2022 10:23

Food and drink

Gazpacho… Here comes the sun!

Gazpacho is a breeze to make and keeps well for 2-3 day's in the refrigerator without a problem.

Marc Fosh18/07/2022 12:13

Spiced Vegetable Tagine

Food and drink

Tagine Time with Marc Fosh

This week in Fosh and Food: "For me, this famous delicious Moroccan dish is all about simplicity and choosing good ingredients."

Marc Fosh09/05/2022 09:15

Fattoush salad


Salad Days

Try one of these amazing Mediterranean salads with our Fosh Food delivery service!

Marc Fosh14/03/2021 12:32

Beef Wellington recipe

Beef Wellington recipe

Beef Wellington recipe.

Marc Fosh 01/03/2021

Salmon Wellington

Salmon Wellington

Salmon Wellington.

Marc Fosh 30/11/2020

Roasted pork belly

Roasted pork belly

Roasted pork belly.

Marc Fosh 23/11/2020

Coconut, chili & lime soup with spiced chicken dumplings

Food & Fosh

Coconut, chili & lime soup with spiced chicken dumplings

The colder days are upon us and Marc Fosh gives us a tasty and spicy dish to try.

Marc Fosh15/10/2020 11:18

Apple cupcakes with cinnamon topping.

Food & Fosh

Eat the seasons...with an apple a day!

Apples are essential ingredients that liven up so many recipes and they combine so well with so many other flavours.

Marc Fosh04/10/2020 16:11

Food and Fosh


Spanish Mussels, along with clams, appear in just about every seafood dish you care to imagine from the ubiquitous Paella to the various fish soups, stews and calderetas all along Spain’s vast coastline.

Marc Fosh14/09/2020 14:47

Food and Fosh

Eat the seasons with llampuga

Seasonal fish that unfortunately have a very short season that runs from late august to October.

Marc Fosh07/09/2020 15:36


Food and Fosh

Stone Love

There are few fruits that come in such a panorama of shapes, sizes and colours and I really think sweet-sour, aromatic plums, bursting with flavour are a very underrated ingredient.

Marc Fosh10/08/2020 14:47

Food & Fosh

Cooking With Flames

Open fire cooking and fine dining have become firm friends in recent years and chefs around the world are slowly returning this age-old art form.

Marc Fosh04/08/2020 01:51


Food & Fosh

Sardinas…para chuparse los dedos!

Sardines are named after Sardinia, the Italian island where large schools of these fish were once found.

Marc Fosh13/07/2020 01:42