Food and Wine: Golden rules that lead to perfection
Do you want to become a good cook? Andrew Valente gives you tips on how to make great food.
Marc Fosh cake recipes
Marc Fosh cake recipes.
Baby spinach smoothie and Lasagna
Marc Fosh reveals another two delicious recipes made from spinach to help maintain a healthier lifestyle.
Spinach patties with harrisa mayonnaise
Spinach patties with harrisa mayonnaise.
Pork belly perfection
Now that Christmas is approaching is a good time to present another easy and flavourful recipe to enjoy with family and friends.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
The famous Spanish omelette (Tortilla de patatas).
Majorca Mallorca
Lockdown - Happy Christmas!
One of the things I think I will introduce into the group over the coming weeks are some easy workshops for businesses to learn to market themselves better.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
The Spaniards normally only eat eggs for lunch or dinner.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
My Nana would make beet greens from freshly picked ones from her garden and I have loved them ever since.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
The star of the show is a vegetable that is not that well appreciated but is very crisp and healthy.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
Would you like to try an outrageously healthy salad you have never tried before?
Food & Fosh
Time to reminisce…
A whole chicken is such a valuable and versatile ingredient, and if you get a little creative, it can easily supply fast, tasty meals for 3-4 days easily.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
Even when it comes to baking, don't be afraid to experiment.
Get cooking with American chef in Majorca
American chef Jeff Harter guides you through his delicious and simple recipes while we have to stay at home.
Get cooking with American chef in Majorca
Fresh produce is the most important aspect of this dish.
Food & Fosh
Easter at home in the kitchen
Luckily the Spanish kitchen gives us plenty of inspiration at this time as fiestas and religious festivals have traditionally been associated with an assortment of pastries, sweets, cakes and biscuits.
Get cooking with the American chef in Majorca
A quick and simple dinner or lunch that is easy to prepare, tasty and healthy.
Food for thought
Make this the star of the Easter table
If you have always wanted to bake ‘crespells’ or ‘robiols’ but have kept putting it off for lack of spare time, this is the year to give it a try.